We created a fully responsive company website for The Rotary Club of Bellville. Additional webpages were requested that makes this company site a multi-page grassroots site. Features include Google Maps, social page linking, comprehensive membership and contact forms, reliable hosting and more. It was such a pleasure to work with this amazing team. Thank you for making a difference!
“To be of service to others.” We have a proud history of service to the community, with projects serving every area of need in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town.”
~ Rotary Club of Bellville
- Company Website
- Responsive WordPress site
- Company Blog
- Additional Webpages
- Sub-level Navigation
- Google Maps
- High Res Stock Imaging
- Social Page Linking
- Comprehensive Forms
- Domain & Hosting
Client Socials
IG bellvillerotary
”Everything else is perfect, you can go ahead and go live! Let me know as
Bellville Rotary Club
soon as this has happened as I need to inform our President - she says she
loves what she has seen thus far and cannot wait to advise everyone that our
new site is up and running!
"The website looks fantastic!"
Side Note
All clients get full back-end access to their project. The above screens were taken at the time of the website going live. Some content may have been altered, deleted or changed thereafter.