We created a fully responsive company website for Splendid Kids. Their main site leads to individual sites for their 4 registered creches and 1 registered primary school, which all had to have the same look and feel. Features include Google Maps, social page linking, contact forms, pdf downloadable files, stock imaging, reliable hosting and more. It is lovely to work with this go-get team and we are looking forward to seeing where they open their next venture!
“Our mission is to be the extension of the working parent.
No one is perfect but we strive to be Splendid!”
~ Splendid Kids
- Company Website
- Responsive WordPress site
- Additional Webpages
- Sub-level Navigation
- Download PDFs
- Google Maps
- High Res Stock Imaging
- Social Page Linking
- Contact Forms
- Domain & Hosting
Client Socials
IG splendidkidsdurbanville
Side Note
All clients get full back-end access to their project. The above screens were taken at the time of the website going live. Some content may have been altered, deleted or changed thereafter.